Collaborating in geospatial context since 2000!

Friday, March 28, 2008


Thanks George for the introduction...I really appreciate it! I've been reading through this blog and must say that you have covered a ton of industry-related topics. Your entry from October 8th is of particular interest to me! It was such a brilliant idea that the USGS created a Google Maps mashup. They were able to leverage using Google's Search API with a Google Map canvas embedded in to the USGS Store to find raster data for the entire US. This is the perfect marriage of a great search engine and valuable geospatial data services! Every year there are more and more geo-COTS products and Open Source Projects that are publicly available for use. I am particularly fond of Google Maps (of course), GDAL/OGR, and PostGIS which is the spatial component to Postresql. If a developer with enough time on his hands put all three of these things together, we could have a really cool enterprise solution. The OGC is making tremendous headway in data interoperability which is great! I know ArcGIS now supports GML which is basically KML's big brother. Hopefully, more software vendors will follow suit. We will certainly see in the months and years to come!!!