Collaborating in geospatial context since 2000!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

GeoPDF Map for Worked Example

As promised, I created a PostScript file using the information we calculated in the worked example post. I created a GeoPDF file by running the PostScript file through Ghostscript to create a PostScript file PDF file that looks like this:
Simple GeoPDF file companion to worked example.

PostScript hacking is fine companion to cubicle lunching...

HT Klokan!


Blogger Unknown said...


thanks for this post. Just a note: there is a typo:

"I created a GeoPDF file by running the PostScript file through Ghostscript to create a PostScript file that looks like this:"

should be probably:

"I created a GeoPDF file by running the PostScript file through Ghostscript to create a PDF file that looks like this:"

1:53 AM EDT

Blogger George Demmy said...

You, sir, are correct! Thanks for the catch.

9:04 AM EDT


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