Collaborating in geospatial context since 2000!

Monday, January 12, 2009


There has been a decent number of inquiries lately about exporting GeoPDF to TIFF. You can do this quite easily out of the box using Acrobat version 9.0 Pro Extended. Simply open your GeoPDF file in APEX and export it out as either a TIFF or JPEG2000 image. 

Once the image has been exported from APEX, you can bring it in to other software applications for further processing and analysis. See the IMAGINE GLT below...

There are a few more options available to you for this so please feel free to ask!

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Blogger Ryan Strynatka said...

Nice RCD105 imagery!

3:11 AM EST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to CREATE GeoPDF FOR FREE, which software to use?

12:16 PM EST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

when will we see GeoPDF to GeoTIFF?

1:05 PM EST

Blogger Adam Estrada said...

As you can see, the bits and pieces are there to export from GeoPDF to another format. We have several items ahead of this on the road map for this year but we are looking forward to seeing it in our core product line.

3:06 PM EST

Blogger Unknown said...

There was a tool sold by Map2PDF that converted GeoPDF to Geotiff, it was called Geopdf2geotiff. It is discontinued. I hope they bring it back. Adobe Acrobat Extended Pro runs about $700.fiereal

4:17 PM EDT

Blogger George Demmy said...

GeoPDF2GeoTIFF ran inside of Acrobat...

4:25 PM EDT

Blogger Unknown said...

how can i convert a geopdf to geotif?

11:40 AM EDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The freeware GIMP will convert a PDF to TIFF (or jpg, or bmp, or whatever). It doesn't keep the georeference.

4:52 PM EDT


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